You can place an order by contacting our sales team directly at 01280 707 180 or via our contact form.
You will receive an email confirmation with your order details once your order is processed.
Modifications are only possible if the production has not started. Contact us immediately for changes. Note: This is not always possible.
Processing times vary based on order complexity. Contact us for specific timelines.
Delivery charges vary depending on the product. For specific information on delivery costs, please call 01280 707 180 or via our contact form.
Prices are based on print-ready artwork. Additional charges may apply if we need to prepare your artwork.
No, all prices quoted exclude UK VAT, which will be added at the current rate. Delivery charges are also additional and not included in the quoted prices.
Contact us with your requirements, and we will provide a detailed quote, including VAT and delivery charges.
We use industry-standard encryption and security protocols to protect your payment information.
We offer 30-day accounts for regular clients. Contact us to apply.
Payment is due upon order placement unless otherwise arranged.
Contact us with two trade credit references to apply for a 30-day account.
We accept print-ready PDFs.
Yes, we provide templates for various products. Contact us for the specific template you need.
Yes, our team can assist in producing print-ready artwork. Please note that we charge for this service. Provide a brief and supply all elements in vector format.
Our team will review your artwork and contact you if any adjustments are needed.
We can turn orders around within 5 working days of receipt of approved artwork and payment. (Subject to volume and availability)
However, if you have an urgent deadline, call us, and we will do our best to accommodate.
Lead times can vary depending on the specific product and its production requirements.
Bulk order lead times vary. Contact us with your order details for a specific estimate.
Lead times are influenced by order complexity, quantity, payment processing, and the supply of print-ready artwork.
Lead times typically refer to production time. Shipping times are additional and depend on the shipping method chosen.
You can download technical specification sheets in PDF format from our website. These documents include detailed information about size, weight, and features.
Product pages and technical specification sheets include pictures of the products and, where possible, close-ups of their main features.
We use industry-standard security measures to protect your personal information.
We use encryption and secure protocols to safeguard your payment details.
We follow strict data protection policies and regularly update security measures.
No. We do not share your information with third parties.
Yes, contact us to request the deletion of your personal data from our systems.
We regularly review and update our security measures to ensure maximum protection.
Contact us immediately if you suspect any security issues related to your order or account.
Yes, we comply with all relevant data protection regulations, including GDPR.
XG is dedicated to reducing, recycling, and reusing materials and energy. Our direct-to-textile printing uses eco-friendly, water-based inks, making it one of the UK’s most sustainable options.
Yes, as of January 2023, XG is Carbon-Neutral. We partnered with Carbon Neutral Britain™ to measure and offset our carbon footprint, achieving certification through ISO 14064 and the GHG Protocol Emissions Standard.
XG Group
Unit 3,
Buckingham Court,
NN13 7EU
United Kingdom